Friday, April 15, 2011

Post 7: This Week in Science (Ecosystems)

Paragraph 1: What did you DO these last 2 weeks in science? (6 points)
these last 2 weeks in science i learned about the food chains and what animals eats what animals
Paragraph 2: What did you LEARN these last 2 weeks in science? (6 points)
these 2 weeks in science i learned what animals eats what animals and what insects eat what and what do these insects need to stay alive what kind of habbittats they have
Paragraph 3: What are you still UNSURE of or CURIOUS about? (6 points)
 nothing (:
Picture 1: A picture from the field trip! (3 points)

Picture 2: A picture of your terrarium! (3 points)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

this week in science we are playing with cards and making food chains to figure out what animals need to keep save save in a good shelter to keep them living long .

we learned what animals eats what animals and what they need to survive and how they capture there predator and where they sleep at and we also learned how animals get away from there predator frogs can hop really far from tree to tree snakes  can get away by crawling away and some animals bark , or so sighns by getting there family to protect them so there pray could leave them alone most animals swallow there predator real fast they just swallow them up in one  !

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This week in science we been working food chains and seeing what animal eats whats animals and there habbitats .

we been learning the different shelter these animals need to stay alive !